When the Stars Came Home (HC)

Item #: When the Stars Came Home (HC)
Availability: In Stock

When Ojiig moves to the city with his family, he misses everything they left behind. Most of all, he misses the sparkling night sky. Without the stars watching over him, he feels lost.

His parents try to help, but nothing seems to work. Not glow-in-the-dark sticker stars, not a star-shaped nightlight. But then they have a new idea for how to make Ojiig feel better -- a special quilt stitched through with family stories that will wrap Ojiig in the warmth of knowing who he is and where he came from.

Hardcover (English). Recommended for: Ages 4-8 years.

Written by Brittany Luby. Illustrated by Natasha Donovan.

Total: $18.99

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