I Wish I Could Tell You (HC)

Item #: I Wish I Could Tell You (HC)
Availability: In Stock

Losing someone you love, someone close to you, can be difficult to talk about. But sometimes writing a letter can help you find the words you wish you could say. That's exactly what a young fox realizes one morning after learning about the death of his beloved grandmother, someone with whom he shared so many special memories. As he longingly searches for any trace of her presence in all their familiar haunts, the young fox soon discovers that only by embracing his grief will the right words—the words he wishes he could say to his grandmother—come to him.

Writen by Shiaki Okada. Illustrated by Jean-Francois Sénéchal.

Hardcover (English). Recommended for Ages: 4-8 years.

Total: $18.99

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