Zonia's Rain Forest (HC)

Item #: Zonias Rain Forest (HC)
Availability: In Stock

Zonia's home is the rain forest. It is her backyard and her front yard, her neighborhood and her playground. Every morning, it calls to her. Every morning, she answers: hello to the sloth family, greetings to the giant anteater, a run with the speedy jaguar. One morning, the rain forest calls to Zonia in a different voice, a troubled voice. It has been felled by loggers. Zonia knows she must answer. The book's backmatter is rich with information about the indigenous peoples of the Amazon rain forest (including Zonia's Asháninka tribe), facts about Amazon geography and topography, and names of all the animals Zonia encounters. Written and illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal. Hardcover. Recommended for: Ages 4-8 years.

*This title is also available in a Spanish edition (La selva de Zonia).

Total: $17.99

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